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To Free a Phantom (Spirit Chasers Book 3) Page 11

  She couldn’t help but smile at the fluid way he moved, the way his muscles contracted beneath his smooth skin. Her heart and her stomach seemed to be tangling themselves up in a frantic dance that was both sickening and exhilarating at the same time. She needed to calm herself down before she passed out on the floor.

  He disappeared around a corner, and she finally focused on her surroundings. A huge television hung on one wall, and a dark-brown leather sofa sat across from it. An aloe vera plant occupied a small table near the window, and a bookcase full of paperbacks stood adjacent to the sofa. What kind of books did a man like Gage read?

  She padded to the bookcase and ran a finger along the spines. Thrillers. Mysteries. Lots of paranormal reference books. Her smile widened. He even had a few romance novels on the shelf.

  She picked up a volume on demonology and flipped through the pages. Frightening illustrations of monsters and shadow creatures stared back at her. She shivered and returned the book to the shelf.

  “Find anything interesting?”

  She jumped at the sound of Gage’s voice. “I see you’re a Nora Roberts fan.”

  “Those, uh…” He chuckled. “I’d like to say they aren’t mine, but it’s kinda obvious they are, isn’t it?”

  She held her thumb and forefinger close together. “Little bit.” She turned toward the bookshelf, and he moved behind her, sliding his arms around her waist and nuzzling into her neck.

  He hadn’t bothered to put on another shirt. “I have eclectic tastes.”

  Her heart sprinted. “Those demonology books…is that for real?”

  “Unfortunately.” He reached for one of the volumes, running his thumb across the spine. “Demons are very real.”

  She swallowed. Did she really want to know the answer to her next question? “Have you ever met a demon?”

  “Twice.” He dropped his arm to her waist.

  She twisted in his embrace to look into his eyes. “What happened?”

  “I vanquished them.” A cocky smile curved one corner of his mouth.


  He shrugged. “I had help, but, yeah. Nasty little suckers.”

  “Wow.” This sweet man with the bright, kind eyes and gentle touch could vanquish demons. He was smart, hot, brave, nice…everything a girl could want, all wrapped up in a sexy, muscly package.

  She ran her hands across his stomach, marveling at the softness of his skin contrasting with hard sinew beneath. Gliding her fingers up his chest, she hooked them behind his neck and brushed her lips to his—a gentle, teasing kiss before she pulled away. She wanted this man like she’d wanted no other. Could he possibly want her too?

  She looked into his eyes, frozen by the smolder in his gaze. “Your apartment is nice.”

  “Would you like to see the rest of it?”

  She swallowed the dryness from her mouth. “I’d like to see your bedroom.”

  Closing his eyes, he inhaled deeply, touching his forehead to hers. “Are you sure?”

  She bit her bottom lip. Was she sure? Making love to Gage would change everything. The innocent friendship they’d shared as kids would be forever morphed into something else. Something more.

  She wanted something more.

  “I’m sure.”

  He gazed into her eyes, boring into her soul, giving her plenty of opportunity to change her mind. When she didn’t waver, he took her hand and led her down the hallway. As he crossed the threshold, he flipped on the light switch and pulled her into his arms.

  Her resolve crumbled. What was she thinking? A man as hot as Gage had probably been with dozens of women. With her hideous appearance and lack of experience, he was sure to be disappointed. And then what?

  Sex with Carter had been mechanical. Always missionary. He hardly touched her, and when he did, it was only the unscarred side of her body. She’d lie there, mostly clothed, and he’d do his thing, and then they’d be done. Gage had shown her more passion in a single kiss than her ex had during their entire relationship. She’d never even had an orgasm.

  She pressed her palms against his chest. “Gage?”

  “Hmm?” His breath against her neck raised goose bumps on her arm.

  “There’s something you need to know.”

  “What’s that?”

  “This is…” She pushed him away so she could see his face. She had to be able to gauge his expression. “You’ll be the second man I’ve ever been with.”

  He held her gaze. “Okay.”

  “I don’t want you to be disappointed.”

  “Erica.” He put his hands on her shoulders. “The only way I could possibly be disappointed is if you changed your mind. And even then, it would be all right. Are you changing your mind?”

  “No.” The word left her lips so easily. “I’m not changing my mind. I want you.” God, did she want him. “I just wanted you to know.”

  “Okay.” He brushed her braid behind her shoulder and took her face in his hands.

  His thumb brushed the scar on her cheek as he leaned in to kiss her, and she shuddered. “Will you turn off the lights?”

  “Sure.” He flipped on a bedside lamp and turned off the overhead light.

  But it was still too bright. He’d see too much. “Can you turn that one off too?”

  He stepped toward her, sliding his hands over her hips, nuzzling into the unscarred side of her neck. “Then I won’t be able to see you.”

  “I’ll keep my shirt on then. It will be hard for you to stay turned on if you have to look at me.”

  “What?” He pinned her with a heated gaze. “Erica, I want to see you.”

  Heat flushed her cheeks. He couldn’t possibly mean that. “It’s okay. I understand. Really.”

  He shook his head. “You don’t understand anything. Come here.” He tugged her toward the closet and closed the door to reveal a full-length mirror.

  She recoiled. “I don’t need to see my scars. I know they’re repulsive.”

  “Don’t look at yourself. Look at me.” He stood behind her and pulled the band from her hair, loosening the braid. Gliding his fingers to her scalp, he lifted her hair from her shoulders and trailed his lips along the scarred side of her neck. “Look in my eyes, Erica. Do I look like a man who’s repulsed?”

  She caught his gaze in the mirror, and her pulse pounded in her ears as he slid his hands across her stomach, pulling her back to his front. “No.” Her voice came out as a whisper.

  He grasped the hem of her shirt, and she held her breath as he tugged it over her head, dropping it to the floor. Surely, he’d flinch or at least look at her with pity.

  His eyes held nothing but passion. He glided his fingers down her arms and slipped his hands around her waist, touching each side of her body equally, as if she were whole. His touch didn’t linger on the rough spots. He didn’t pull away at the unnatural sensation her marred skin must have provided to his fingers. “It doesn’t hurt for me to touch you, does it?”

  Her heart pounded harder in her chest as his gaze traveled up and down her body, his touch caressing her with an intimacy she’d never felt before. “No. It feels different; there’s nerve damage, but…no pain anymore.”

  He unhooked her bra, dropping it to the floor before running his hands up her stomach to cup her breasts. “Does it feel good?”

  She sucked in a sharp breath. “Yes.” Though not for the reason he probably thought. On her scar, she couldn’t feel much more than pressure. As his fingers lightly grazed her chest, goose bumps only rose on the uninjured side.

  What felt good was the way he touched her. The heat in his eyes as he caressed her as if the scar didn’t exist. As if he liked what he saw. As if he wanted her.

  The warmth of his bare chest against her back sent shivers running down to her toes. He held her as if she were precious, his touch tender yet possessive at the same time.

  He unbuttoned her jeans and slid down the zipper, his gaze never straying from hers in the reflection.

stomach tightened. “It goes all the way down my leg.”

  “Have I given you any indication that I’m not completely turned on so far?” He pressed his arousal into her back to prove his point.

  She shivered. “No.”

  As he worked her jeans over her hips, she cringed at the thought of him seeing her granny panties. She didn’t own a set of sexy lingerie. She’d never had the need. Never felt sexy before. Never had man look at her, much less touch her like Gage did.

  He helped her step out of her pants and sank to his knees as he slipped her underwear down her legs. Running his hands up her thighs, he gripped her hips and pressed his lips into her lower back. A tingle ran up her spine.

  Rising, he wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her close against his chest. The sensation of his firm body against hers had her trembling.

  “You’re beautiful. Don’t listen to anyone who tells you otherwise.” His voice held so much conviction she could almost believe him.

  She twisted in his arms and took his mouth with hers. A deep rumble emanated from his chest as he opened up to let her in. He held her tight. Kissed her hard. Every feminine urge in her body flared to life as he slid his hands down her back to cup her butt. “I want you, Gage.”

  “I want you to have me.” He released his hold. “Lie down.”

  As she crawled onto the bed, he rummaged through a dresser drawer, pulling out a condom and then laying it on the nightstand. He dropped his pants to the floor, and her eyes widened at the bulge in his underwear. As he peeled the gray fabric down, his erection sprang out, long and hard. Her fingers twitched with the urge to touch him.

  His chiseled body was sculpted to perfection, with muscular arms, a solid chest, and rippling abs. And his dick… Holy moly, she couldn’t wait to have it inside her.

  He chuckled. “My eyes are up here, sweetheart.”

  “There’s just so much to look at. You’re…wow.”

  “I’m glad you approve.” He climbed onto the bed and lay on top of her.

  The feel of his lips on her skin as he trailed kisses down her neck had her aching with need. “Make love to me, Gage.”

  “Oh, I will. After I’ve memorized every inch of you.” He glided his lips lower, running his hands over her body. Touching. Kissing. Tasting her. All of her.

  Never in her life had she felt beautiful, but the way Gage held her, kissed her, his teeth and tongue grazing her skin as he worked his way down her body, made tears well in her eyes. She swallowed the thickness from her throat and blinked them back. She would not ruin this moment by crying, even if they were tears of sheer joy.

  He spread her legs, settling his shoulders between them, kissing and nipping at her inner thighs as if one of them didn’t look like it should have been on a monster. As he neared her center, her stomach tightened. The warmth of his breath on her sensitive parts had her insides twisting with need.

  When he slipped out his tongue to taste her, a shudder ran through her body, rocking her very core. A satisfied mmm vibrated across his lips as he slid a finger between her folds. The warmth of his tongue, the friction he created inside her…it was unlike anything she’d ever felt. She fisted the sheets in her hands as tension coiled in her body so tight she thought she’d explode.

  “Gage. Oh, my God.” A soul-shattering orgasm ripped through every part of her, splintering her senses as she frantically grabbed at his shoulders, wave after wave of searing pleasure turning her muscles to gelatin. Dear lord, what had he done to her? Moisture collected in the corners of her eyes, but this time she couldn’t stop the tears from trailing down her face. He’d given her so much more than an orgasm. He’d made her feel wanted.

  As the intensity faded to a pleasurable ache, she wiped the tears away before he noticed. He rose onto his arms, a drunken smile curving his lips, and she reached for him, pulling his face to hers. “That was the most incredible thing I’ve ever felt.”

  He chuckled and whisked the condom from the table. “I’m not done with you yet.” Tossing the packaging aside, he rolled the rubber down his shaft. “Are you ready?”

  “God, yes.” She’d never been more ready for anything in her life. She needed this man.

  He pressed against her, pausing to gaze into her eyes, building the anticipation that already had her core coiled into a tight spring. This moment would change everything, and she was so ready for it.

  He pushed into her, filling her completely, penetrating her very soul. Groaning into her mouth, he kissed her passionately as he moved inside her. “Erica, this feels so good.”

  All she managed was a primal moan in response. He had no idea how good it felt for her. Wrapping her legs around his waist, she gripped his shoulders, clinging to him. He buried his face into her neck…the damaged side…paying no mind to her scarred skin or mangled earlobe. He simply made love to her. All of her. And it was the most beautiful moment she’d experienced in her entire life. As his rhythm increased, another orgasm built in her core, releasing in an explosion of ecstasy.

  He grunted, twisting his hands in her hair, as his own climax overtook him. His body shuddered, a deep moan emanating from his chest to vibrate in his throat. As he relaxed on top of her, she loosened her grip and glided her fingers along his sweat-slickened skin. His breathing slowed, and he inhaled deeply, rising onto his arms to look at her.

  She reached for a tangled mass of her hair to pull over the side of her face, but he caught her hand.

  “You don’t need to hide from me, okay?”

  She bit her bottom lip and nodded. He’d seen every inch of her. Touched and kissed every part. And still he looked at her like she was a treasure.

  “Don’t go anywhere.” He rolled out of bed and tossed the condom in the trash before pulling back the sheets and climbing in next to her.

  She snuggled under the covers next to him, resting her head on his shoulder, and he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her tight to his body, kissing the top of her head. She wanted to say something. She felt the urge to thank him for making her feel wanted for the first time in her life. But the words sounded too shallow and flat to describe the emotions swirling through soul.

  Instead, she lay there silently, listening to steady rhythm of his heart beating in his chest, basking in the afterglow of making love to her best friend.

  He ran his fingers through her hair. “I have to go to work tomorrow.”

  She squeezed her eyes shut. The reality of her lack of employment was the last thing she wanted to think about now. She was falling for Gage, hard and fast, and if she could stop time and spend forever in this moment, she’d do it in a heartbeat. Unfortunately, she had to face reality and the fact that Gage was asking her to leave.

  “If you don’t mind—”

  She rose onto her elbow. “I understand. I’ll get dressed.” She tried to sit up, but he caught her arm and pulled her to the pillow.

  “I was going to say that if you don’t mind getting up early, I would like you to stay the night with me.”

  “Oh.” Warmth spread through her chest. “I don’t mind.”

  “Good.” He reached across the bed and turned off the lamp, casting the room in darkness.

  She cuddled into his side and draped her arm over his chest, letting the quiet hum of the air conditioner paired with the steady thud of Gage’s heart lull her to sleep. There was definitely no going back to the way things were before. She wouldn’t want to if she could.

  Chapter Ten

  Gage stared at Chelsea’s name on his phone screen and debated pushing the call button. Having his little sister involved in his love life was the last thing he needed, but if he screwed up this relationship with Erica, he’d never forgive himself.

  She hadn’t said much when she’d left that morning. As soon as his alarm went off, she’d slipped out of bed and gotten dressed. Erica had thanked him for the evening, and he’d said something idiotic like the pleasure was all his and told her he’d call her. Then he’d walked her to the doo
r, kissed her goodbye, and watched her walk away…like a dumbass.

  He’d slept with his best friend. He should’ve said something. Asked when he could see her again. Told her she was the only woman for him. Anything. But, no, he’d let her walk away. Asshole.

  He hit the little green button before he could change his mind. Chelsea answered on the second ring.

  “Oh, my God. You slept with her, didn’t you?”

  He cringed. “What makes you say that?”

  “Why else would you be calling me at seven-thirty in the morning? She just left, didn’t she? Or are you leaving her place?”

  “She left mine.”

  “Okay. What’s the plan? Wait…dammit. I need to get on the elevator. Meet me for lunch at Antonio’s at noon. And do not call her before we talk.”

  “Why not?”

  “Promise me you won’t. I have to go.”

  “Okay. Bye, Chels.”

  Damn. Now what was he supposed to do? Surely Erica wouldn’t expect a phone call before lunch today. She knew he had to work. He could play it cool. Hopefully his sister would have some solid advice for him, and he wouldn’t screw anything else up.

  He shoved his phone in his pocket and headed to his Jeep. Traffic on the way to work did nothing to calm his nerves, and by the time he made it into the office, his fingers itched to dial Erica’s number. But he’d wait a little longer.

  He couldn’t fight his smile as he slid into his desk and powered on his workstation. Making love to Erica last night had been beyond his wildest expectations. Sure, she’d been shy and reserved, but when she’d cried out his name as she came, he’d nearly lost it right then. And the way she’d felt wrapped around him, squeezing him… He needed to stop thinking about it before he gave himself a raging hard-on right there at his desk.

  She was still self-conscious about her scars, but he would change that. Hopefully, with time, she’d learn he didn’t give a damn about whether or not her skin was smooth. Someday, she’d believe him when he told her she was beautiful.

  He busied himself rebuilding a computer, and when lunchtime rolled around, he jetted out the door to meet his sister.